Malindi Reihana-Ruka

My name is Malindi Reihana-Ruka. At the time of writing (2021), I am Head Girl of Springbank School and am in Year 13.  My House group is the best; GO DOLPHINS! And I started my Springbank schooling at the age of 3 at Preschool.

I acknowledge how extremely fortunate I am to attend Springbank School, as it has provided me with so many incredible opportunities that I may not have had the chance to experience had I attended another school.

Springbank provides its students with so much support, whether it is regarding schoolwork, extra-curricular activities, or personal matters, there is always someone to talk to.  

As an example, our maths teacher (Mrs Binedell) gave up her holidays to support me with my prefect initiative and take our Year 12 and 13 students to OPC in Tongariro.  Maths became my favorite subject. She, as well as all my teachers, give up their time to answer my millions of questions and explain my work and exercises to me, until I finally understand them.

Springbank has provided and supported many sporting and extra-curricular activities, and I have represented Springbank both regionally and nationally, with two of my disciplines being horse riding and surfing.

I love trying new activities and meeting new people, and attended OPC Great Barrier Island and Tongariro, and BLAKE Inspire.  I was selected for BLAKE Expeditions, and am a Study Northland Student Ambassador, as well as a Far North Youth Council Representative.  

Without Springbank I would not have the confidence, character, and capability to embark on the next chapter of my life, and for this I am extremely grateful.